################################################################### LATEST EMAIL UPDATE: 18 Feb 2012 ################################################################### I did another csurf/freesurfer update and put the full Linux tarfile (FreeSurfer0.8 including old SubjectTools as well as MGHTools) and a Mac 10.6 compile (MGHTools only, otherwise equivalent) here: myrtos -> FreeSurfer0.8-120218.tgz myrtos -> csurf0.8-mac-120218.tgz I think the mac version should work on 10.7. If your laptop is 10.7, it would great if you could test whether the 10.6 compile works on it (I forgot which version you have, with so many compiles on different versions... the compile script mk0 now works on all of these: 10.4ppc, 10.4Intel, 10.5Intel, 10.6Intel, 10.7Intel, RH9, Fedora7, Fedora15, CentOS4, CentOS5). The main fixes since the last time I emailed you are: 1) fixed tkmedit/tkregister all-white problem on Mac 10.7 (Mac bug) 2) tksurfer/tkmedit: add libtiff, def save tiff (finally! rgb still avail) 3) tiff2mpg script, menu make mpg from tiffs works 4) autodetects/reads new MGH flat patch format (float) 5) tkmedit: read/fill 3D ROI, save 3D smoothed subsamp stats as BRIK 6) fixed the frigging fonts once again... 7) time-reversing rawaverage (much better map stats than phase avg!) 8) user definable color look up table, also works for complex/phase colors There were a lot of little fixes. For example, I (finally!) noticed that nmovie was not able to show any bitmaps from Rand Block Design! (I think you might have mentioned this to me in the jurassic). I had been replacing the brackets in AFNI label names (e.g., ..[2].. => ..#2#..). Stupidly, nmovie choked on those names (xv was OK!). I changed the replacement to ..@2@.., which works OK with everything. I am still working on including interface support for Don's surfcluster code, which is now all compiled across all platforms, but not yet used by csurf. Also working on averaging 3D phase-encoded stats (pulvinar, etc). You can write out the subsampled registered stat BRIKs but no interface support for averaging them yet. Finally, I am also working on including the latest AFNI MEMA. cheers, marty ############## UPDATE DETAILS ############## ---------------- 18Feb12 FreeSurfer0.8 tarball ------------------------------- --tiff2mpg: new script (no scale/tile/crop), left mri2mpg using rgb's --csurf: re-wrote Help->csurf, incl tiff help, View Log to top of menu --phase/offsetmovie.tcl: abspath rgbname OK --tkmedit.c: libtiff/tiffoutflag, GL_FRONT -> cursor now saved in bitmaps --csurf: black->transparent menu, fix nmovie puke briklabel (braks -> @, not #) --csurf/tclscripts: Preferences -> Save .tiff, save img/movie scripts respect --mytoppm.c: convert tiff to ppm, too (uses libtiff, no longer self-contained) --mk0: also include/compile libtiff, static compile into tksurfer (300K->1Meg!) --tksurfer.c: frame2tiff(), tiffoutflag, black2transparentflag, interface --tkmedit: rm HISTO,SAGMIRR, add new statmask entry line (currently no-op) --randsurfclust.cpp/mk0: add cdflib to csurflibs, fix Darwin compile --csurf: unique-ize AFNI-ALL links (problem if multiple avgs) --tkmedit.c/.tcl: fix BRIK +orig.BRIK filename policy --tkmedit.tcl: auto-read/write complex subsampled stats w/just _r/_x in entry --csurf: get/pass -scandir option to tkmedit --tkmedit.c: setfile-like fixes to exported tcl filename vars, -scandir option --tkmedit.tcl: add FILL,roi lower left, replace outim WRITE w/label R/W/T --tkmedit.c: fill_roi, write_roi, read_roi, labelflag --tk{surfer,medit}.c: no memory leak on re-malloc 3D,4D bufs; bufs now contig --mk0: 10.4=both, 10.5=??, 10.6=both, 10.7=bit, F7=xft, F15=bit, Ubuntu=?? --mk0: def flag compile w/disable Xft (Mac: back to reliable bitmap fonts!) --wrappers.tcl: fix bold Xft fonts on Mac 10.7 (arial bold -> no longer bold!) --tksurfer.c: ReparentNotify->redraw fix Mac 10.7 init white problem --tkmedit.c,tkregister.c: ReparentNotify->resize_window_intstep 10.7 white fix --tkmedit.c: clean up 3D buffer situation ---------------- 02Jan12 FreeSurfer0.8 tarball ------------------------------- --paint: added: -dump normals of a label, improve help message --tksurfer: allverticesflag, val2newcsurvflag (same write_binary_values funct) --paint: non-surflib write_binary_values w/o relpath default out -> SUBJECTS_DIR --paint: accept float BRIK(s), -curvout (newcurv) option, major code cleanup ...