[no email summary] ############## UPDATE DETAILS ############## ### UPDATE: 04 Apr 2012 --/home/inverse/freesurfer/tarballs/FreeSurfer0.8-120416.tgz --/home/inverse/freesurfer/tarballs/csurf0.8-mac-120416.tgz --csurf: allow 1 input to 3D Raw Average (for reversing time in single scan) --csurf: VOLAVG 3dttest avg of r,i and x,y --csurf: allow reset sphavg dir back to functscan (but not other way) --tk{surfer,medit}.tcl: catch missing label/regdat/rawdata before C does --tkregister.c/csurf: allow float BRIK (bbregister, other output) --tkmedit: subsampstat: cmdline (xsub) else cp from non-subsamp (singlesub) --tkmedit/csurf: -complexvalflag opt for subsampstat (-real,-complex autoset it) --csurf: double-click on "subject:" or "surface:" label raises csurf subpanels --tksurfer.c: dist(gauss)+dens weighted smooth_val_weighted (halfweightdist=0.4) --tksurfer.tcl: SMOOTH "w"=smooth_val_weighted,vsp->sp,curv->cv, cplx OK but cv --mk0: onearch-afnilink: ask to make link to existing AFNI --rawaverage.c: detect/accept/write float BRIK --fill.c: onefile, ANSI-ify, byteorder+Darwin, read/write .mgz, fix args --mksurface: fix -wmfilter,-initfill,-dofill,-tessellate for new fill/surf args --fill.c: options to completely replace fill.dat, fill.dat still works --tksurfer.c: fix crasher on redraw colscale=LUT with no LUT read in --tkstrip.c/tkstrip.tcl: port ANSI/OpenGL/Darwin/tk8.5/tiff/mgz/fixopts/squish --tkmedit.c/tkmedit.tcl: safer write, can re-read vol1, warn no .mgz before fail --tksurfer.c: plain arrow keys in GL window (finally!) rotate brain --tkstrip/tkmedit.c: fix crash on can't write COR files --tkstrip.c: shrinkmode/flatten/momentum opts, comment shrink(), better help --cor2brik.c: now writes AFNI HEAD w/proper ORIENT_SPECIFIC: 0 5 2 --bfloat2brik.c: inverse of *fourier* (and brik2bfloat) --bfloat2brik.c: -cphead (DELTA, ORIENT_SPECIFIC, ORIGIN), chk HEADdims=nslices --orig2cor.c: -noresamp to stop trilinear interp (for just crop) --tkmedit.c: read second images now ignores missing COR-.info, assumed same --calcimg.c: pixelwise image math on COR or BRIK --wmfilter.c: onefile, ANSI-ify, byteorder+Darwin, read/write .mgz, fix args --write_images() now writes COR-.info, read_images set ptype, tksurfer read mgz --tkmedit.c: mk cordir if not there --tkmedit.c -- side follow window w/lg GL, write_images writes COR-.info! --tkmedit.c -- also allow Gaussian smooth editable underlay --tksurfer.c: read/write new quad (float) surfaces (output init stages MGH) ### UPDATE: 25 Feb 2012 --help: csurf=tksurfer; tksurfer=rgb*,label_read/clear,tiffout; tkmedit=fill --csurf: menu: add Make Occip/Full Cuts if MGHTools, rm oldsubjtools help --csurf: menu: add Make Cuts, Hand Prenormalize to MGHTools --mpeg_play: fix compile on Darwin Intel: #if defined(__{BIG/LITTLE}_ENDIAN__) --csurf: block sphavg sub/sess/scan callbacks to postpone errs till panel done --tkmedit/csurf: read_rawdata, curf passes imagepatt to tkmedit --tkmedit: write_roi_timecourses from subsamp ROI, uniq w/subsamp votes --tkmedit.tcl: "T" write_roi_timecourses (cp C-strhandling for test overwrite) --tkmedit.tcl: 17 new help pop-ups