################################################################### LATEST EMAIL UPDATE: 24 Aug 2012 ################################################################### I have updated the FreeSurfer0.8(linux)/csurf(mac) tarfiles on myrtos, but also put copies in a web-accessible place (but somewhat hidden): http://kamares.ucsd.edu/~sereno/csurf/tarballs/.tmp/ Because of the ".", you shouldn't see it if you go to: http://kamares.ucsd.edu/~sereno/csurf/tarballs/ Here are the most recent updates. The main points are, handle 512^3, 0.5mm^3 data for making hi-res surfaces (with 800K vertices!), and calculate complex avg and complex-F for hand-aligned cross subject *3D* retinotopy (for pulvinar). cheers, marty ### 12/08/24 -- FreeSurfer0.8-120824.tgz, csurf0.8-mac-120824.tgz [see full list in ../NOTES.txt] 1) deal with "new quad" (float) surface now made by MGH 2) tksurfer can finally read and smooth overlay files from command line :-} 3) cmdline utilities for making surfaces from 512^3 data (lots 'o vertices) 4) tkmedit can display 512^3, 0.5mm^3 data 5) interface for tksurfer loading volume data (SHRINK hacking on the way) 6) brik2cor/cor2brik now read/write correct AFNI HEAD file 7) fixed bug in ends of color LUT when interpolate *off* 8) tksurfer read val automatically detects complex data (1click read) 9) csurf does cross subject complex-valued F-stats for *volume* 10) csurf/tkmedit auto-reads complex cross subject 3D stats (in sphavg dir) ############## UPDATE DETAILS ############## ### UPDATE (minor bugfix): 28 Aug 2012 --/home/inverse/freesurfer/tarballs/FreeSurfer0.8-120828.tgz --/home/inverse/freesurfer/tarballs/csurf0.8-mac-120828.tgz --csurf: fix tkregtargdir var/entry missing for alignscan, if align->no invert --tkregister.{c,tcl}: harmonize/Mac-ize/usage tk/glx key bindings,help/csurf/reg --tksurfer.{c,tcl}: harmonize/Mac-ize/usage tk/glx key bindings, help/csurf/surf --tkmedit.{c,tcl}: harmonize/Mac-ize/usage tk/glx key bindings, help/csurf/med --help: tkmedit: val,val_read,val_write csurf: setupsphavg VOLAVG doc ### UPDATE: 24 Aug 2012 --surf.c: -newquad option to write new quad (float) surfaces --tksurfer.c: {find,select}_orig_vertex_coords OK w/NEW_QUAD_FILE_MAGIC_NUMBER --tksurfer.c: write trisurf, new/oldquad from div'd-to-tri if undividequadsflag --tkmedit.c: also read NEW_QUAD surfaces --tksurfer.c: finally -real/-imag/-stat/-smoothsteps for cmdline load overlay --tkmedit.c: "tkmedit -f cor/mgz" works, fix Linux tearing: mov win, 1st update --tkmedit.c: read_images saves mgz headvals in globals, write_images req's read --tkstrip.c/wmfilter.c/fill.c/tksurfer.c(readonly): same read/write_images fix --add 3dcopy to included AFNI for convert *.nii to *.BRIK/HEAD --brik2cor.c: repl orig2cor, gen 512^3/0.5mm^3, read ORIENT_SPECIFIC, trilin/nn --tkmedit.c in/display/out 512^3 --cor2brik.c conv 512^3 back to BRIK --calcimg.c in/out 512^3 --tkstrip.c in/out 512^3 --wmfilter.c in/out 512^3 --fill.c in/out 512^3 --surf.c in 512^3 --tksurfer.c: -loadmri1 option requests load this 3D dataset --csurf: onetime checkbutton right of VOLUME to make SURFACE load selected 3D --csurf: new hires SubjectTools menu (old+mgz tkstrip/wmfilter/fill/surf) --csurf: use brik2cor (currently: AFNI align full BRIK only) --tkregister: accept 512^3, fix old off-edge bug --tkmedit: working mgz cube check (copy fixed primary/second from tkregister.c) --mk0: leave otherarch myinstall libs, csurf.tgz to dist, cp arch-specific AFNI --tksurfer.tcl: val: "R" auto-reads/pushes if complex data (_r,_i or _x,_y) --tksurfer.tcl: val: "W" auto-write/swaps if complex data (_r,_i or _x,_y) --csurf/tkregister.c: use/save/edit target-image TR entry on Setup Functscan --csurf: VOLAVG volume Don complex-F test implemented (on _x,_y only) --tksurfer.c: fix non-interpolate color LUT ends, fix help (val2rgb,intplut) --tkmedit.c: -real/-imag in addition to -real/-complex --tkmedit.c: re-wrire substatpatt: cmdline/intern: _{r,i,m}, interface: onevar --csurf: tkmedit cmd: use -real/-imag vs. -real/-complex, -substatpatt_{r,i,m} --csurf: VOLUME-STATS autoloads VOLAVG cross subj subsampled if there --tkmedit.c: fix offedge cursor crash/1x-fail (maxk2),Linux key1-4 resize redraw --clean compile of csurfsrc.tgz on myrtos inserted into FreeSurfer0.8