################################################################### LATEST EMAIL UPDATE: 13 Jan 2014 ################################################################### Here are the main changes (see UPDATES.txt for complete history: (1) fixed sign of rawaverage time shift (sorry about that!!) (2) write out values on surface *under* a DSP'd label (transparent display). That is, ignore values in the DSP'd label and read them from current display. This allows a one-step label-use (no need to re-cut). Currently bound to: shift-middle-click the "W" on the "label:" line. For reference, left-click is write values from all currently visible vertices, and middle click is write out vertex-color-label (current colors of displayed vertices -- for assembling displays with different color scales onto one surface). As always, pop-up help at right-click any button. (3) new cmdline script (in 3 diff language versions: runra.{tcl,csh,sh} to run up to 'n' copies of recon-all in the background and monitor them as they finish and start a new process until a long list of subjects is reconstructed. This is for batch reconstruction using MGH freesurfer on a multi-core machine. (4) 7 new/updated help panels To install: cd mv csurf csurf-YYMMDD tar xvfz csurf0.8-{mac,linux}-YYMMDD.tgz cheers, marty ---------------- 13Jan14 FreeSurfer0.8/csurf0.8 tarballs --------------------- --FreeSurferEnv.sh: rm bashism --lib/help/csurf/{csurf,setuprawavg,reconall} --revra.{tcl,csh,sh}: run up to n copies recon-all in bg for long subj lists --lib/tcl/{eccen,polar,twocond}-{views,flat}.tcl -> fix log messages --lib/help/tksurfer/{cuts,smooth,smooth_steps,label_write} --csurf: fix setup rawavg panel rev time label --tksurfer.c: kill confusing "###" warn if non-.val/.val2 empty before swap --rawaverage.c: rewrite harmless/wasteful/confusing/signerr avg for non-padded --tksurfer.c: clear_values, read_binary_surface: fixedval=1, undefval=0 (sparse) --tksurfer.c: fix_nonzero_vals also undefval=0 (for sparse: was just fixedval=1) --tksurfer.tcl: read_label_to_val (label: "R") does fix_nonzero_vals (sparse) --tksurfer.c: write_annoted_vertices now uses curr .val (was 0.0) (for fill BA) --tksurfer.tcl: shift-middle-click 2x overload label W: DSP'd vtx .vals to label --tksurfer.tcl: add missing global abbrev's in proc's for val/label/insurf/fs/fm --tkmedit.tcl: purple button feedback for long-running PF/PFGAU, purple kill --tkmedit.tcl: wmfilter in bg, pidnamerunning proc to test bgproc finished --tkmedit.tcl: fscolormap2lut defaults lut if MGH talaiarch labels file missing --tkmedit.tcl: resolv val2rgblutsub -> val2rgblut in setfile (subjdir MGH lut) --tkmedit.tcl: change uplevel setfile ... in procs -> add global abbrev to proc -------------------------------------------------------------------------------