################################################################### LATEST EMAIL UPDATE: 02 Nov 2014 ################################################################### A few new features, and more bug fixes. Full details appended. The first new thing is yet two new buttons on the "patch:" line (READ and WRITE changed to R and W to make space, and M (mask) and C (cut) added. The M and C buttons allow directly masking or cutting away parts of any current surface with the currently selected patch without having to make an intermediate label (handy for flattening large surfaces, like the cerebellum, in pieces). The second feature is a new line at the bottom of the larger [fn]-F3 tksurfer panel for performing and saving 3D fills of the currently displayed surface. The fill voxel size can be adjusted in order to generate a new coarser fill volume that can be tessellated in order to downsample a surface (tested with 5M vertex cerebellum surface). As always, bug reports appreciated. ### 02 Nov 2014 (patch mask/cut, 3D fill) 1) "M"=mask, "C"=cut buttons on "patch:" line to mod current surf w/patch 2) tksurfer (F3 panel): 3D fill surf: normmv/scale/col3d/"fat"/fill3d/writeims 3) fix tcl error tkmedit F3 manual norm panel ( in lim/ffrac entries) 4) nmovie accepts mix of tiff sizes (centers later on first) To install the new csurf: cd mv csurf csurf-YYMMDD tar xvfz csurf0.8-{mac,linux}-YYMMDD.tgz cheers, marty ############## UPDATE DETAILS ############## ---------------- 02Nov2014 csurf0.8 tarballs -------------------------------- --lib/help/csurf/csurf: update --mk0{.csh}: add new helpfiles to tksurfer help list --lib/help/tksurfer/fill3d{_mm,_normmove,_pix,_col,_fat,_op,_fillim,_saveim} --tksurfer.c: chk/block out-of-bounds vtxnum (e.g., stale patch) in 3 readpatch --tksurfer.tcl: block attempt to directly run tksurfer.tcl interface file --tksurfer.tcl: chkwritefillim: warn no fill yet, no mgz read (get header vals) --tksurfer.c: export fillimloaded, onemgzfileloaded for tksurfer.tcl checks --tksurfer.tcl: F3 3dfill interface: normmv/pix/col/"fat"/fill_surf/writeims --tksurfer.tcl: rm defunct "2d Vectors" line from F3: room for 3d fill at bot --tksurfer.tcl: read patch (select_patch) no longer does viewcuts-like 180 rot --tksurfer.tcl: RESTORE a *.patch.3d no longer rotates like a flat patch --mk0{.csh}: add lib/help/tksurfer/{patch_mask,patch_cut} --lib/help/tksurfer/{patch_mask,patch_cut}: new files --tksurfer.tcl: add "C" (cut) button for read_binary_patch_to_cut --tksurfer.c: read_binary_patch_to_cut: don't restore any, just cut away --tksurfer.tcl: "M" (mask) button for read_binary_patch_to_mask,READ,WRITE->R,W --tksurfer.c: read_binary_patch_to_mask: use patch as mask on current surface --lib/help/tsurfer/{fill,label_write,label_read2val,label_read2valcut}: updates --tksurfer.c: export fillcolor3d (def=128) --tksurfer.c: export fillpix, fix fill_surface to recenter 3D if not eq st/ps --tksurfer.c: fix norm_move_vertices arg: int -> float (accidental atoi) --tksurfer.c: add/tclexport fill_surface option: includeintersectingflag --N.B.: last fix 512 ps/st def->1, to restore prev mv aside T1 CORdir (T1.mgz) --tksurfer.c: read_image_info also look for dims/pix in T1.mgz before def=256/1 --inflatemovie.tcl: add initzrot parm, rm rot dependence between frontbak blks --tksurfer.tcl: check{read,write}labeldir ret val, warn/block label read/write --tksurfer.tcl: fix intro'd bug in checklabeldir (rename to checkwritelabeldir) --nmovie.c: display/center tiffs if diff size than first, at exit free img mem --csurf: wmfilterhirescmd: warn CORdir precedence (try 3 pairs before fail) --csurf: fillcmd/surfhirescmd: warn CORdir precedence both CORdir,mgz present --tkmedit.tcl: fix TEST1 crasher in 8 F3-interface manual norm panel entries --tksurfer.tcl: warn missing label subdir in session dir --csurf: freshen list of binaries used and/or included in top notes --csurf: mghflatten: ?h.full*.patch.* => "full", else stringent "occip" parms --no-surf-data-change movies now use one redraw followed by all redraw_cached --runra.{sh,csh.tcl}: report name of subject (prompt/log) also when finished --mpeg_play (gdith.c): spacebar/p also stop (was just start) --tksurfer.c: linrampphase2vtxcol also caches color --tksurfer.c: minimum direct manip scale size 5% of original ---------------- 17Oct2014 csurf0.8 tarballs -------------------------------- --nmovie.c/tksurfer.c/tkmedit.c/tkregister.c/mytoppm.c/sgiimagelib.c: iclose bug --tksurfer.c: set_*_color functs cache calc'd col, use if move (overlay:spd=6x) --tksurfer.c: make unselect vertex show up (was: not visible til next redraw) --tksurfer.c: block shift-left-clk show curvim (vs select!) unless curvimloaded --lib/help/csurf/tksurfer: update live rotate/zoom/translate --mk0{.csh}: add new helpfile, Hiroshi's color LUTs to $CSURF_DIR/lib/lut ...