Index of /sereno/csurf/fsaverage-labels/CsurfMaps1-atlas-movies

 NameLast modifiedSizeDescription

 Parent Directory  -  
 VisPhaseMovie-flat-both.mp42022-04-28 13:56 2.7M 
 video5-CsurfMaps1-rotate-inflated.mp42022-04-05 19:47 11M 
 video4-CsurfMaps1-rotate-folded.mp42022-04-05 19:47 6.1M 
 old/2022-04-05 19:47 -  
 video2-CsurfMaps1-atlas-flat-RH.mp42022-03-24 00:58 2.9M 
 video1-CsurfMaps1-atlas-flat-LH.mp42022-03-24 00:58 2.9M 
 video3-CsurfMaps1-atlas-flat-both.mp42022-03-24 00:58 4.9M 



Video 1: CsurfMaps1-atlas-flat-LH.mp4

The visual, auditory, and somatomotor maps in each of the 117
individual cortical areas in the parcellation are shown for 1 second
each on the flattened left hemisphere of the FreeSurfer average
subject, fsaverage. Major sulci are annotated at the beginning and
all areal borders are indicated by cyan dots. White arrows indicate
the average gradient of the map coordinate for each area
("lower/horiz/upper" for visual maps, "low f./high f." for auditory
maps, and "foot/hand/face" for somatosensory maps. The color scale
for the map data is: green for lower visual field, low frequency,
or leg/foot; blue for horizontal meridian, mid frequency, or arm/hand,
and red for upper field, high frequency, or face.

Video 2: CsurfMaps1-atlas-flat-RH.mp4

The visual, auditory, and somatomotor maps in each of the 117
individual cortical areas in the parcellation are shown on the
flattened right hemisphere, using the same annotations and color
scales as the left hemisphere Video 1.

Video 3: CsurfMaps1-atlas-flat-both.mp4

The first two videos (Video 1 and Video 2) have been cropped and
juxtaposed so that similarities in areal position and gradient
direction across the two hemispheres are easier to appreciate (after
mentally left-right mirror-imaging them across a vertical axis).

Video 4: CsurfMaps1-rotate-folded.mp4

The parcellation and map data are more conventionally displayed on
the rotating folded surfaces of the left and right hemisphere of
the FreeSurfer average subject, fsaverage (surface: white). The
first rotation around a vertical axis shows the parcellation and
the second rotation shows the topological map data.  After each
vertical-axis rotation, the brain is rotated around a horizontal
axis to expose superior and then inferior areas. The color scale
for the map data is the same as in Figure 6 and Video 1.

Video 5: CsurfMaps1-rotate-inflated.mp4

The parcellation and map data from Video 4 are displayed on the
rotating inflated surfaces of the left and right hemisphere of
FreeSurfer average subject, fsaverage (surface: inflated_avg) in
the same order, using the same color scales, and at the same
magnification as in Video 4.

For details, see:

  Sereno MI, Sood MR and Huang R-S (2022)
  Topological Maps and Brain Computations From Low to High.
  Frontiers in System Neuroscience 16:787737
  (doi: 10.3389/fnsys.2022.787737)